Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Still Waiting

Our paperwork went in a week ago. I've heard nothing since then. I've been assured progress is being made but I probably won't hear anything until Sentencia. Then I have to go in and sign the official decree. After that, it will be about a week to finish up visas and passports and we will be on our way home. It's really hard not knowing when that will be. We could get sentencia today or we could wait in silence for several weeks. There is no way to know.

The family that we have spent a lot of time with got Sentencia on Monday. They are leaving on Saturday. I think that's a big part of my funk. I'm praying for someone new to come that we can hang it with. The days here can be long and lonely.

Sara is doing so well. She's a lot less temperamental than she was. I swear she's growing up daily. She's beginning to understand English. I've tried some sign with her since she already uses a lot of gestures. She never seems interested but then pulled out the sign and English for "please" last night.

She thinks she owns the hotel. She loves everyone and has no problem entering any open door. She also likes to hang it in the kitchen with the staff. The other day, she skyped with a family from Spain. It's hard to teach her boundaries in such a contrived situation. This isn't real life.

Today we are going to visit her orphanage and say goodbye to the staff. I have mixed feelings about the outing. I love any excuse to get out and I really want to see the home but I worry about how Sara will react and what she will understand.

Please continue to pray for us. Pray that our papers would be signed soon. Pray for our health. There are lots of people in the hotel and lots if germs. Pray that we will enjoy this time together.

Did you know that the Super Bowl is on Sunday? I just found this out. For some reason, it makes me very sad.

1 comment:

  1. Who's leaving Sat.? Patience, baby, patience. It's all in God's timing. Maybe he's trying to teach you to relax & enjoy YOUR baby!
    Love you two,
