Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm In Love

Since starting this adoption process, I have fallen in love with the people at Reece's Rainbow: the amazing staff, the wonderfully supportive advocates, the other amazing adopting families but mostly, the kids. So many of these children have captured my heart.

I have three thoughts that run through my head when I look at the kids' pictures:

1. I can't wait until Sara's adoption is done so I can advocate for these kids and donate to all the amazing fundraisers going on to help bring them home.

2. If only I had a rich husband.... (or really, any husband...) I'd have a whole houseful of kids.

3. Next time..... (Then I realize I really must be crazy.)

There are a few children I just can't get off my mind. I'd love to share them with you. A couple of them have families. I'm so excited for them and I'm really enjoying walking through this process with their moms. The others are still waiting for their moms. I can't wait for the day they are "found." Every child deserves a forever family and a loving home.

Maybe one of them will grab your heart......

Lene was just posted this week. She's so young and I know she would benefit greatly from a family. She's in a different country from my little girl which is probably a good thing. I'd be VERY tempted to bring her home, too. Lene is one of those kids that makes me think: "next time....." I really, really, REALLY hope she doesn't wait that long.

James captured my heart right along with Sara. I believe that they live in the same place. I really hope to meet him when I go to get my little girl. He's one that makes me think: "If I only had a husband...." I'm just not sure I could handle an infant son on my own. Just imagine how much this little could would benefit from a family at this early stage in his life. I pray daily that he doesn't stay in the orphanage long.

And here's one that isn't in Latin America. Denver reminds me so much of my Martin in Mexico. His picture breaks my heart. I don't think I'm equipped to handle a child with autism on my own but I know he will fit into someone's family!

Marguerite (Claudia) was one of the first children I noticed on Reece's Rainbow. Her family is in the exact same stage of the process as I am. We hope to be in country together. I've love the emails that fly back and forth between Angie and I. We have the same doubts, the same concerns, the same excitement. Angie and her husband live less than an hour from my brother's house. I can't wait for Christmas break. I can already picture Sara and Claudia playing together at the Strong Museum of Play.

Rose just recently found her family--this week! I loved her as soon as she was posted and was so excited to see that she had a family coming to rescue her! I've gotten to know her mom a little this week. I love being able to answer some questions and let her know that she will survive the home study process!!

Are you in love yet?

1 comment:

  1. Yep! Wish I was younger so we could adopt more! But, I'm very excited that I'm getting another grand daughter - can't wait to meet her!
